What is a Season?

What is a Season?

Organizations usually run loyalty programs for a specific period. Sometimes, they run for a short period to promote a product. Other times, they run for longer periods, usually yearly, to promote brand engagement. Typically, these loyalty programs reset at the end of the duration.

On Loyalty+, this specific duration of time is referred to as a Season.

Why Seasons?

They are called Seasons to show:

  1. They are only active for a specific period.
  2. They can be recurring. That is, when one season ends, another season can start.

A season also serves as the container for all the data generated during the specific active period.

How do Seasons work?

  1. Project admins can create, manage, and specify the duration of seasons.
  2. Project admins can start, pause, and end seasons.
  3. Project admins can also create draft seasons that are ready for future seasons.