JavaScript SDK

Loyalty Plus UID


  • Initialize: Configure the client with API key, environment (staging or live), and project ID.
  • Login: Authenticate a user and obtain an auth token.
  • Register Event: Register events for a specific user.
  • Logout: Clear cached auth tokens.


To install the package, run the following command:

npm install @insomnia-labs/loyaltyplus-uid

Or, if you're using yarn:

yarn add @insomnia-labs/loyaltyplus-uid


1. Initialize the Client

Before using any other functions, initialize the client with your API key, environment, and project ID:

import { init } from "@insomnia-labs/loyaltyplus-uid";

init("your-api-key", "staging", "your-project-id");
  • API Key: Your unique API key provided by Loyalty Plus.
  • Environment: Either 'staging' or 'live'.
  • Project ID: The ID of your project.

2. Login a User

Authenticate a user using their unique userId and obtain an auth token:

import { login } from "@insomnia-labs/loyaltyplus-uid";

  .then((token) => console.log("Auth Token:", token))
  .catch((error) => console.error("Login failed:", error.message));

3. Register an Event

Register an event for a specific user:

import { registerEvent } from "@insomnia-labs/loyaltyplus-uid";

registerEvent("UserLoggedIn", "user123")
  .then(() => console.log("Event registered successfully."))
  .catch((error) => console.error("Failed to register event:", error.message));
  • Event Name: The name of the event you want to register (e.g., 'UserLoggedIn').
  • User ID: The unique ID of the user for whom the event is being registered.

4. Logout a User

Clear the cached auth token to logout a user:

import { logout } from "@insomnia-labs/loyaltyplus-uid";


5. Get Current Auth Token

You can also retrieve the currently stored auth token (if available) using:

import { getAuthToken } from "@insomnia-labs/loyaltyplus-uid";

const token = getAuthToken();
console.log("Current Auth Token:", token);

API Reference


init(apiKey: string, environment: 'staging' | 'live', projectId: string): void
  • apiKey: The API key provided by Loyalty Plus.
  • environment: Specify 'staging' for testing or 'live' for production.
  • projectId: The unique ID of your project.


login(userId: string): Promise<string>
  • userId: The unique ID of the user.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to the auth token as a string.

Register Event

registerEvent(eventName: string, userId: string): Promise<void>
  • eventName: The name of the event to register (e.g., 'UserLoggedIn').
  • userId: The unique ID of the user for whom the event is being registered.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves when the event is successfully registered.


logout(): void

Clears the cached auth token and logs out the user.

Get Current Auth Token

getAuthToken(): string | null

Returns the currently stored auth token, if available. Otherwise, returns null.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.