What is a Mission?

What is a Mission?

A mission is a container for a collection of events that must be completed together before a user can earn points assigned to the mission.

Why Missions?

Missions are usually created around the different objectives of the brand.

For example, a project admin can create an "Onboarding Mission" centered around driving users to complete onboarding. Events in this mission can include:

  • Sign up for the newsletter
  • Watch the onboarding video
  • Finish the onboarding flow

Many missions can be created to meet the different objectives of the brand's loyalty program.

It is also possible for a mission to have just one event if that event meets an objective.

How do Missions differ from Events?

Events are the building blocks of missions. Multiple missions can require the same events. For example, a "sign up for the newsletter" event can be used by an "Onboarding" mission and also an "Ambassador" mission. Here, "Onboarding" and "Ambassador" are just names. A mission can be named as it sees fit.

Note: Completing an event will mark it as completed for all missions with that event in its collection.